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Server-Side Data Fetching

Analog supports fetching data from the server before loading a page. This can be achieved by defining an async load function in .server.ts file of the page.

Fetching the Data

To fetch the data from the server, create a .server.ts file that contains the async load function alongside the .page.ts file.

// src/app/pages/index.server.ts
import { PageServerLoad } from '@analogjs/router';

export const load = async ({
params, // params/queryParams from the request
req, // H3 Request
res, // H3 Response handler
fetch, // internal fetch for direct API calls,
event, // full request event
}: PageServerLoad) => {
return {
loaded: true,

Injecting the Data

Accessing the data fetched on the server can be done using the injectLoad function provided by @analogjs/router. The load function is resolved using Angular route resolvers, so setting requireSync: false and initialValue: {} offers no advantage, as load is fetched before the component is instantiated.

// src/app/pages/
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { toSignal } from '@angular/core/rxjs-interop';
import { injectLoad } from '@analogjs/router';

import { load } from './index.server'; // not included in client build

standalone: true,
template: `

Loaded: {{ data().loaded }}
export default class BlogComponent {
data = toSignal(injectLoad<typeof load>(), { requireSync: true });

Accessing the data can also be done with Component Inputs and Component Input Bindings provided in the Angular Router configuration. To configure the Angular Router for Component Input Bindings, add withComponentInputBinding() to the arguments passed to provideFileRouter() in the app.config.ts.

import { provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { ApplicationConfig } from '@angular/core';
import { provideClientHydration } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { provideFileRouter } from '@analogjs/router';
import { withNavigationErrorHandler } from '@angular/router';

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [

Now to get the data in the component add an input called load.

// src/app/pages/
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { LoadResult } from '@analogjs/router';

import { load } from './index.server'; // not included in client build

standalone: true,
template: `
Loaded: {{ data.loaded }}
export default class BlogComponent {
@Input() load(data: LoadResult<typeof load>) { = data;

data!: LoadResult<typeof load>;

Accessing to the server load data

Accessing to the server load data from RouteMeta resolver can be done using the getLoadResolver function provided by @analogjs/router.

import { getLoadResolver } from '@analogjs/router';

export const routeMeta: RouteMeta = {
resolve: {
data: async (route) => {
// call server load resolver for this route from another resolver
const data = await getLoadResolver(route);

return { };

Overriding the Public Base URL

Analog automatically infers the public base URL to be set when using the server-side data fetching through its Server Request Context and Request Context Interceptor. To explcitly set the base URL, set an environment variable, using a .env file to define the public base URL.

// .env

The environment variable must also be set when building for deployment.