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Open Graph (OG) Image Generation

Open Graph images can be used to display previews of pages when shared on social media sites such as Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Analog supports generating Open Graph images using API Routes.


First, install the necessary satori dependencies:

npm install satori satori-html sharp --save

Setting Up An API Route

Next, define an API route in the src/server/routes directory.

// src/server/routes/v1/og-images.ts
import { ImageResponse } from '@analogjs/content/og';

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const fontFile = await fetch(
const fontData: ArrayBuffer = await fontFile.arrayBuffer();
const query = getQuery(event); // query params

const template = `
<div tw="bg-gray-50 flex w-full h-full items-center justify-center">
<div tw="flex flex-col md:flex-row w-full py-12 px-4 md:items-center justify-between p-8">
<h2 tw="flex flex-col text-3xl sm:text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 text-left">
<span>${query['title'] ? `${query['title']}` : 'Hello World'}</span>

return new ImageResponse(template, {
debug: true, // disable caching
fonts: [
name: 'Inter Latin',
data: fontData,
style: 'normal',
  • The API route uses the ImageResponse class from the @analogjs/content/og sub-package.
  • Provide HTML that is rendered to a png.
  • Tailwind class are supported, and optional.

Adding Open Graph Metadata

Open Graph images are registered through meta tags inside the HTML head tag.


The meta tags can be set manually in the index.html or dynamically using Route Metadata